Monthly Archives: August 2019


Another great year at TWIST.  A few thousand people came to enjoy the numerous classes, activities like Wool-lympics and sheep sheering and herding and to leave with bags full of wonderful yarns, rovings, fibres and hmmm, a few rughooking and punching items! The show is spread over 3 days which made manoeuvring and shopping and viewing easy for everyone.

Because of our hotel fiasco, we were located 20 minutes away and since breakfast only started at 8!!! and the show started at 9!!! (and I am not one to miss a free meal 🙂 ) I had very little time to take pictures. And I have to admit – they are not the greatest because I had to use the iPad – iPhone decided last week that it had had enough and the camera has gone wobbly. No fix seems to be available and since ours is 4 (yes FOUR!) YEARS OLD and beyond the life expectancy of current technology, I guess a new Iphone is in our future!!!… But I did manage to get a few pictures of my students hard at work… 

and some of the wonderful fibres at the show…

And now, a few finished pieces by friends:

Jill finished her fun Karla Gerard – In the Garden – I wish you could see the fabulous buttons (chickens and flowers) that she added in the gardens:

Diane finished both her mittens:

Daniele punched these amazing pieces based on the artwork of her kids:

And Sheila’s rug for her very lucky grandbaby with all his favourite things:


Finalllllly, cooler weather! and rain to feed my garden! It’s amazing how much more enthused I feel about doing things when the weather is clear, cool and less humid. Even worked in the garden the last few days and discovered hmmmm, an invader! A few weeks ago I found a strange tall plant in amongst some monarda and coneflowers my sister had given me. Wellllll, it grew and grew and we finally recognized it – CORN! Yup, I have a cornstalk in my garden! and a few days ago I discovered ears on the stalk! How exciting! In a week or so maybe we will be able to harvest the cobs and eat them – or at least feed them to the chipmunks! If I had tried to GROW corn it would have died! but this little kernel must have migrated in from the deer corn (well probably with the help of a chipmunk!) and it is now 5 feet high. Anyway, it makes me smile and adds some visual interest to my garden!

And now, a few finished pieces that should get those creative juices flowing:

finished mittens by…

and Diane…

Michelle finished her textured pine tree… and a Deanne Fitzpatrick Wash line…
and her Karla Gerard Blooming Birches… and yup, even I finished a piece – my new Fraktur pattern…

I recently received an email from Barbara in Texas asking if anyone has some long 58 inch arms for a cheticamp frame which they would be willing to sell. Barbara already has the Cheticamp Frame but with the shorter arms and would like to get longer arms. So if you do or if you know of someone who does please contact Barbara at

And now off to the dock with my coffee, neighbours dog and my hooking! Have a great day…


WELLLLLLL, I had a major shock yesterday morning when I opened my emails to find a lovely confirmation of our room reservations for TWIST – but for the WRONG WEEK! Oh my god – what did we do! how did we mess that up! and what will we do because hmmmm, there are not a ton of rooms available near the show. So 5:30 in the morning I banged open the bedroom door – GORD GET UP! YOU NEED TO CANCEL THIS BOOKING AND FIND US A PLACE TO STAY! and not an hour away! It did get sorted after many cups of coffee but the room is a lot more expensive than the first room and 20 minutes away! Darn! That opened my eyes to the fact that I NEED TO CHECK all this stuff to make sure we have the right dates booked and on our calendar. So the next 2 day were spent checking hotel reservations and dates for shows! All is well but… it was a rude awakening (even more so for Gord who does NOT get up at 5:30).

All that to say that TWIST is coming up on August 16 – 18. A wonderful show that is so popular that it draws people from far and wide and in huge numbers – so much so that the show was extended last year to include Friday afternoon. That made a world of difference in numbers coming through the rest of the weekend – things got spread out wonderfully so that there was tons of room for everyone to get around to all the amazing vendors. For further information see the flyer below and check out the website. You don’t want to miss TWIST!