So wonderful to see all the visitors to the lake. One of our loon pairs is back – with company! As part of our lake association campaign to save the loons we have built a few loon platforms where they can nest safely – last year we had babies but sadly they did not survive the turmoil on the lake (huge waves from boats going too quickly can swamp and drown babies who are just learning to paddle). This year, though, things are going hmmm, swimmingly! as evidenced by the following photos taken by Helene and Bruce…

Imagine the conversation going on between mom(or dad) and babies…perhaps something like this…

“Stop playing with your food – you need to learn how to fly…”

“This is how we do it – spread the wings nice and wide…”

“Oh let me try, let me try…”

“Ohhhh, I can do it, I can do it – Like this mom?????”

“I am so proud of you…”

“Now hop on and we’ll go for a paddle…”

A wonderful owl flew across the driveway right in front of Gord and lit in a tree and watched Gord watching him…

It is also turtle egg laying season and our lovely map turtle has been up in the pond and driveway trying desperately to dig a hole in rock hard gravel to lay her eggs with sadly no success so far. However, we did find two 1.5 inch babies in the pond (not sure where they came from) – one a baby map turtle and one a baby snapper. So, so exciting to see that last years efforts were not in vain…

13 responses »


    So gre

  2. What a wonderful post with the good news about the loons.

  3. this post warmed my heart. How wonderful that you are helping to save the loons. These photos are delightful.

  4. Weezie 💕💕

    That Owl picture is a perfect composition, well balanced! You should draw it out and hook it. It would be so lovely. xxx

  5. soniaayo6e03506068

    Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures! I love loons, but we do not get th

  6. Nancy McFarland

    great job Loretta and Gord on protecting our vulnerable populations 🥰



    Hi Loretta What a lovely story with the photos of the loons. Gave me a much needed smile this morning!! We are enjoying all the birds at our feeders and nesting nearby so we see the parents feeding the young. We have also watched the antics of three young squirrels that are growing up together-we think they lost their Mother. They play leap frog, rub noses and follow each other everywhere. Never saw this before as usually the squirrels are chasing each other away or after each other to mate! We also have lots of frogs this year for a change as they have been scarce the last couple of years. What a joy to live in the country. So nice to see you and Sandy at her sale. She looked well and hope the sale went well. Bye for now. Linda

  8. ….you need to “hook” a journal….

    My Mr. has been busy trapping red squirrels and chipmunks and relocating them. They love peanut butter on bread!!

    As well, we’ve rescued 4 turtles on our road and have driven them to a safer location as well.

    The amusement never ends…..

    • I know our little red squirrel loves peanut butter but it knocks him out I think he OD’d on it and had to sleep it off. it was hilarious like you we have rescued a few turtles on the highway in the last month and a few snakes!

  9. Tricia Tague Miller

    So wonderful to hear happy news. I’m excited for you. It’s contagious. Fun also is reading the comments that tell tales of what they are seeing. Excitement today was seeing a Bobcat. I understand fox kits are venturing out now. And there’s the fireflies!

    • Wow I have never seen a bobcat around here thankfully. although they are beautiful you may keep them haha. we do have a beautiful fox but she/he has disappeared for the summer. our snapper was up yesterday and must have dug and laid egg overnight. the raccoon got many of them but there are six left in the nest. we are going to gently cover with sand and then light small gravel and have a big nesting guard over them for the summer in hopes they will hatch. we then put them in our pond until they are big enough for the lake. isn’t nature amazing!!!

  10. This is a wonderful report Loretta. The school for loons pictures are the best I’ve seen.


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